Thursday, December 04, 2008

Stepping backwards

Edit: July 2nd 2010: Disabling commenting on this post because owners of Chinese spam sites like to post links here...If you want to talk motorcycles, use the mail form on the side bar, or comment on another post. If you want to post Chinese a spam link, then please 其他地方去


Quick update...

My family was down to one car, I started grad school, and my full-time job was going through a very frantic period...So my XS400 was seeing *a lot* of commuting duty. Luckily, it has been a very warm winter, so I was pretty happy on my XS400, even on chilly 25-degree mornings (if I wore my thermal bicycle tights under my jeans).

Then, the bulb in my cafe seat's tail light burned out. Since I was doing a lot of commuting at night, and since my XS's new commuting role made it nice to sometimes take passengers, I put the stock seat and giant, super-bright, and silly looking stock tail light back on.

Today, we finally got our first heavy snowfall here in I won't be riding the XS for a while. Luckily, we recently got a second car, so at least I have transportation for the winter! Unluckily, the second car will have to be the focus of my mechanical creative energy for a while. I don't really mind as long as I can get grease under my fingernails for something cool...I just don't expect any major XS mods any time soon.

End of the comment form

I'm taking the comment form off of this page because 90% of the times people post a comment, it's a spammer. If you want to get in touch with me, post a real comment and I'll respond.
